Shop skins functionality

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  1. summary Description of IntraSell webshop template Tags. These file describes where the tags can be used and their behaviour.


Use these tags to develope your shop.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<!-- edited with XML Spy v4.4 U ( by Tropicana (DPEE) -->
<!--Description of IntraSell webshop template Tags. These file describes where the tags can be used and their behaviour. -->
		This file describes all possible TAGS you can use in the software skins. 
		The sofwate has allways information about the ArtNr, ArtKatNr (Category) and the user (if logged). 
			<name>[SQL:<![CDATA[select count(*) anz from grArtikel;]]>]</name>
			<description>Example [SQL:<![CDATA[select count(*) anz from grArtikel;]]>].</description>
			<name>[SQL_SIMPLE:<![CDATA[select count(*) anz from grArtikel;]]>]</name>
			<description>Example [SQL_SIMPLE:<![CDATA[select count(*) anz from grArtikel;]]>] .</description>
			<description>returns the start lonk for the ecard service</description>
		<when> In every shop page. Use these tags in the skin shtml files or in the category template field.
			<description>Inserts shop title.</description>
			<description>Inserts banner in the page.</description>
			<description>Inserts banner in the page.</description>
			<description>Inserts banner in the page.</description>
			<description>Detailed product search form</description>
			<description>Simple search form</description>
			<description>Lists all subcategories with images in a 4*4 Table</description>
			<name> [TOPPRODUCTS_TYPE:Top5]</name>
			<description>[TOPPRODUCTS_TYPE" 'usage [TOPPRODUCTS_TYPE:Top5]</description>
			<name>"[EMBED" 'usage: [EMBED:test/function1.htm]</name>
			<description>"[EMBED" 'usage: [EMBED:test/function1.htm]</description>
			<description>Count of users currently online</description>
			<description>only when ArtNr in querystring</description>
			<description>Newly inserted Products.</description>
			<description>by defaukt AT ot VAR DEFAULT_SHOP_LAND</description>
			<description> shows the last query in this sessions</description>
			<description> shows list with all queries in this sessions</description>
		<when>In every page called with my pageToShow=productView and ArtNr=[N] parameters.
			<description>Please specify the additional image name!</description>
			<description>REtusn special HTML info on a certain date!</description>
			EN: insert rows in table 'grartikel-verwandteartikel' with type 'Related-Products'
			DE:Fügen Sie Datensatz in die Tabelle 'grartikel-verwandteartikel' mit dem Typ 'Related-Products'</description>
			<description>Erlaubt verschiedene Listen von verwandte Produkte</description>
			<description>Returns the full address of the product producer</description>
			<description>Returns the full address of the product merchant/delivery company.</description>
			<description>Returns the list of product other usrs buy.</description>
			<description>Returns the Property if exists else "".</description>
			<description>Returns the herstellerNr</description>
			<description>Returns the Picture Field in Product Table</description>
			<description>Returns the Gewicht Field in Product Table</description>
	<product_small_template />
		<when>In pageToShow=MyAccount page.
<table border="1" width="100%">
				<td width="33%">[PRODUCTLIST_SEARCH_DESCRIPTION] </td>
				<td width="33%">[PRODUCTLIST_BUTTON_HIDE_IMAGES]</td>
				<td width="33%">[PRODUCTLIST_PRODUCT_COUNT]</td>
				<td width="33%"> </td>
				<td width="34%"> [PRODUCTLIST_SORT_BY] [PRODUCTLIST_FILTER_BY] </td>

			<description>Wonach der Benutzer sucht, in Worten Beschrieben.</description>
			<description>Button für Speichern Wonach der Benutzer sucht, in Worten Beschrieben.</description>
			<description>Button für Speichern Wonach der Benutzer sucht, in Worten Beschrieben.</description>
			<description>Sort By Drop Down Listing or Simple Link List.</description>
			<description>Filter By Drop Down List.</description>
			<description>Anzahl von gefundene Objekte.</description>